Chennai is a wonderful city. There is so much to love about it; the cuisine, with medhu vada, […]
Towards building reliable quantum processors
Quantum computers are generating a lot of interest nowadays. As of now, the quantum devices that have been […]
Mechanical Advantage
Safe grasping of an object using fingers is an essential task while handling the object. Maintaining the grasped […]
Soft Condensation
The condensation of droplets of a liquid on a surface is a very important phenomenon. Condensation into spherical […]
Nature’s Hydrogen Storage
Hydrogen storage is very important as it can serve as a clean energy source for power generation and […]
Einstein’s Active Suspension
The study of active matters such as bacterial suspensions, microtubule networks, artificial swimmers, and active liquid crystals has […]
Emission and Detection
Quantum technologies are generating a lot of buzz recently. Quantum emitters and detectors have a wide range of […]
Electric and Plastic
Electric-assisted deforming of materials, both metallic and non-metallic are gaining a lot of attention these days. This phenomenon […]
The Benefit of Seawater for Energy Recovery
The global energy demand is bound to increase by 60 percent over the next few decades. The demand […]
A Cost-effective way to Combine the Operation of Distribution Static Compensator and UPS
Reducing the cost of electricity bills is a major concern for industries. In order to do this, they […]
The U-bent fiber optic wonder Sensor
Fiber optic refractometers are a valuable analytical tool for chemical analysis, food and pharmaceutical testing, biological sensing, and […]